Friday, March 10, 2017


  My cousin is turning 16 this Sunday, so for his birthday card there was only one person I knew had to be on it...Oprah! (obviously!) Amongst my family and everyone around the entire planet, Oprah's car giveaway episode has brought joy and laughter throughout the land. Here's to my cousin's upcoming year of learning how to drive with his parent's clutching onto the door handle.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wild Realm

   I had my first gallery show with two very talented artists and friends, Zoe Cone and Julia Grosso. It will be up for the entire month of March at the Amity Gallery in Warwick, NY.

The opening was on March 4th and it was the best night ever! So many people came out and we felt very loved and supported by our friends, family, and the community.

Check out more of Zoe's work on Instagram @zoeconeart and Julia's work @jugrostudio. And my work too! @rebeccapry